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HV cable laying with construction workers

Corridor projects, Germany

NKT is a major supplier for two of the Corridor power link projects essential for the green transformation in Germany. SuedLink will be the world’s longest HVDC underground power link and SuedOstLink will be the world’s first large commercial 525 kV XLPE high-voltage DC 2GW transmission line.

Key facts – NKT sections of SuedOstLink and SuedLink

Principal - SuedOstLink


Principal - SuedLink

TennetT and TransnetBW

Location - SuedOstLink

Eastern part of Germany

Location - SuedLink

Northern, central and southern Germany

Quality of order - SuedOstLink

Cable, accessories and installation of 3 lots of 525 kV HVDC XLPE onshore cable systems with a power rating of 2 GW

Quality of order - SuedLink

Cable, accessories and installation of the Western section of 525 kV HVDC XLPE onshore cable systems with a power rating of 2 GW

Route length - SuedOstLink

Approx. 275 km

Route length - SuedLink

Approx. 750 km

Duration - SuedOstLink

Awarded in 2020 - completion in 2025

Duration - SuedLink

Awarded in 2020 - completion in 2026

The German Corridors

HV Cable drum
HVDC Cable
Cale laying in trench for NordLink with construction personell
HV cable drum on trailer
Cable drum with HV cable and NKT car


The 2 GW SuedLink HVDC project will cover a total of almost 1340 km – key for the green transformation of Germany.

Germany map with corridor projects and NKT sections


The 2 GW SuedOstLink will cover a total of 580 km, from Saxony-Anhalt to Bavaria.


525 kV extruded HVDC cable systems

Doubling power transmission over longer distances.
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