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Three windmills at sea

Kriegers Flak, The Baltic Sea, Denmark

NKT supplies transmission links to, from and between wind farms and national energy grids.

Key facts - Grid connection // Combined grid solution


Energinet // 50Hertz and Energinet

Location of the project

The Baltic Sea, Denmark // The Baltic Sea, Germany and Denmark

Quality of order

A turnkey 220 kV HVAC cable system with a 600 MW power rating // A turnkey 170 kV high-voltage cable system with a 400 MW power rating

Total cable length

100 km // 50 km (two parallel cable systems of 25 km)


2015-2019 // 2017-2019

Cable systems for renewable energy integration

High voltage cable production at NKT facility in Cologne
Three windmills at sea

Kriegers Flak grid connection

Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm, Kriegers Flak, is connected to shore by NKT.

Reference map for Krieger's Flak project

Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution

NKT is securing green power transmission between Germany and Denmark.

Our cable system is part of the world’s first offshore power grid that combines wind energy with the possibility to exchange power between two countries.

— Claes Westerlind, Head of HV Solutions Karlskrona


NKT completes important milestone

Power cable systems from NKT are at the heart of Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution which is the world’s first offshore interconnector using the national grid connections of offshore wind farms to connect the power grids of Denmark and Germany.
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Three windmills at sea

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