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HV Offshore NordLink

NordLink, The North Sea (Norway-Germany)

Covering a total of 623 kilometers, NordLink is an HVDC (high-voltage direct current) transmission link which will increase energy security in both countries, Norway and Germany.

Key Facts


Statnett, Norway, TenneT, Germany and KfW IPEX-Bank, Germany

Total cable route length

154 km offshore and 54 km onshore

Location of the project

The North Sea (Norway-Germany)



Quantity of order

Turnkey 525 kV mass impregnated (MI) HVDC cable system for the German sector with a 1,400 MW power rating


Cale laying in trench for NordLink with construction personell
HV cable laying with construction workers
Cable drum with HV cable and NKT car
NordLink project cable laying barge drone shot from above
High voltage onshore cable installation with excavator
Done shot from NordLink onshore construction site
HV Offshore NordLink
Offshore high voltage cable production at NKT facility in Karlskrona

The project

NordLink is Europe’s longest direct power link between the Norwegian and German electricity markets. The commercial operation started in 2021.

Reference Map NordLink

The solution

NKT play a key role in the NordLink project by offering a turnkey cable system solution ensuring reliable power transmission with low electrical losses.

“NordLink is a cornerstone project for an interconnected and green Europe.”
HV Offshore NordLink

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